Example: Interactive homepage

This homepage is a best practice for companies that want to offer users a mix of centrally-steered and user-generated content. 

Aim of the homepage

Before creating the homepage, consider its objectives and or use cases:

  • Providing high-level personalization and relevance to the timeline
  • Promoting interaction and horizontal exchange
  • Informing users about the latest company news, topics, and events
  • Providing direct access to the most relevant (third-party) tools and locations

Set up in Haiilo

In the below example, we've used the following elements and widgets when designing the homepage:


This is what an interactive homepage could look like. As the homepage's heart, the timeline acts as the interactive newsfeed composed of the user's personal subscriptions and auto-subscriptions defined by your intranet admins.

All widgets used and their purpose are explained below.

Interactive Homepage 2.png

The following widgets were used in the example above.

  • Hero teaser: A Hero Teaser widget is controlled centrally and displays the most essential news globally.
  • Welcome widget: This widget adds a personal touch to the homepage by welcoming the user personally.
  • Subscriptions widget: The Subscriptions widget shows all subscribed pages and communities at one glance and functions as a shortcut.
  • Launchpad links widget: The Launchpad links widget shows all the links on your Launchpad. You can easily access them through your homepage.
  • Timeline widget: The Timeline widget acts as your newsfeed on the homepage.
  • Latest blog articles widget: Stay up-to-date through the latest blog articles widget about the latest published blog articles.
  • Upcoming events widget: The Upcoming events widget is great for informing and reminding your users about upcoming events.
  • Featured posts widget: The Featured posts widget highlights Studio posts for which you've selected "Show in 'Featured Posts'" and updates dynamically. Only available if you use the Multichannel Comms module.

Further tips & tricks

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