Using categories for communities

The Communities overview provides users with an overview of your platform's communities. Users can search and filter to find specific communities to join.

Additionally, if you label communities with categories, your users can filter by these. The category filter option is designed to help users quickly locate relevant and interesting information. You need the "Manage categories" permission for communities to manage categories.

filter communities by category.png

Create a category

When you create categories for communities, keep the categories simple so that your users can easily understand what they refer to. Since communities are often used for self-organization, team, or project exchanges, we recommend starting with categories such as interest, team, or project.

  1. In the Communities overview, select Manage Categories in the left-side menu
  2. Select Create new category
  3. Enter the name of your category
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm
  5. Select Save changes

Created categories can be assigned to a community when creating or editing the community.

Edit a category

  1. In the Communities overview, select Manage Categories in the left-side menu
  2. Select the pen icon for the category you want to edit
  3. Make your desired changes
  4. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm
  5. Select Save changes

If you modify a category that has been assigned to communities, the changes will be reflected on all communities after a refresh.

Delete a category

  1. In the Communities overview, select Manage Categories in the left-side menu
  2. Select the trash can icon for the category you want to delete
  3. Select Save changes
  4. Confirm the deletion by selecting Save anyway

A category, once deleted, is removed from all tagged communities and cannot be restored.

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