Setting up a Slack integration

You can use Slack as a communication channel when sending posts from the Studio or for sending surveys.

  • To use Slack as a communication channel in the Studio, you need to create and configure an app in Slack and set it up in Haiilo.

    Create an app

    1. Log into with a Slack admin account
    2. Select Create New AppFrom scratch

    3. Enter an App Name and choose a Workspace

    4. Select Create App


    Configure Permissions

    1. Go to
    2. Select the app you just created
    3. Go to Basic information > Add features and functionality > Permissions
    4. Add the following scopes via Scopes > Bot Token Scopes
      • chat:write
      • users:read
      • team:read


    Configure interactivity functionality

    1. Go to
    2. Select the app you just created
    3. Go to Interactivity & Shortcuts
    4. Enable Interactivity via the toggle
    5. Add Request URL. You can find it in Haiilo from Administration > Multichannel > Slack > Interactivity request URL. It is in the format https://your_haiilo_domain/web/content-distribution/slack/interactivities.
    6. Wait for a Verified response
    7. Select Save Changes


    Configure Event Subscriptions

    1. Go to
    2. Select the app you just created
    3. Go to Event Subscriptions
    4. Enable Events via the toggle
    5. Add Request URL. You can find it in Haiilo from Administration > Multichannel > Slack > Event subscriptions request URL. It is in the format https://your_haiilo_domain/web/content-distribution/slack/events.
    6. Wait for a Verified response
    7. Select Subscribe to bot events
    8. Add the following Bot User Events:
      • reaction_added
      • reaction_removed
    9. Select Save Changes


    Install the app

    1. Go to Basic Information in the side navigation
    2. Select Install to Workspace > Allow
    3. In Haiilo's Administration > Multichannel, enable the toggle for Slack and enter the credentials:
      • Slack API token
        1. Go to Feature > OAuth & Permissions in the side navigation of your Slack app
        2. Copy the Bot User OAuth Token
        3. Paste in the Slack API token field in Haiilo
      • Slack API signing secret
        1. Go to Basic information in the side navigation of your Slack app
        2. Copy the Signing Secret
        3. Paste in the Slack API signing secret field
    4. Select Save changes for Slack
  • To use Slack as a communication channel for your surveys, please follow these steps:

    1. Contact your Haiilo Customer Success Manager and provide them with the email address of an admin for your company's Slack workspace
    2. Your Customer Success Manager will connect your company's Slack workspace to the Haiilo platform.
    3. Your company's Slack admin will receive an email inviting them to allow Haiilo to access their Slack workspace. The admin should select Link to Slack > Allow to be directed to a page that confirms the authorization.
    4. Your Customer Success Manager checks if the connection is working and confirms the integration.
    5. You're now able to distribute surveys via Slack.

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