Answering users' Surveys feedback

In Surveys > Feedback, managers and admins can view and respond to users' open-answer responses. User feedback remains anonymous, while feedback from managers and admins is displayed with their names.

View feedback conversations

You can easily view all feedback conversations that you have access to, see which ones have received responses based on the comments count, unsubscribe, and mark conversations as read or unread. Additionally, the Feedback section can be filtered by:

  • Smart inbox: Contains conversations that managers and admins would most likely be interested in: 
    • Unread conversations (not interacted at/or manually marked as unread)
    • Subscribed conversations
    • Replied conversations
  • Everything: Contains all conversations that managers and admins can access, regardless of which actions were done with the conversations. 

surveys feedback admin area.png

Respond as a manager or admin

To respond to a user's feedback, you can:

  1. Select a conversation to open it
  2. Write your response and select Send

When you respond to a user's feedback, the user receives an email. Your name will be visible to the user in your feedback.

The user who receives the feedback email can read the message directly in the email. If they wish to continue the conversation, they can select Open chat or use the survey user interface to respond to the given feedback. Managers and admins will be informed of new replies from users via email. Users' responses are always kept anonymous.

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