Commenting or mentioning

You can provide your input on content by leaving comments or by commenting on other users' comments to continue the discussion. Additionally, you can also mention or tag specific users to bring their attention to the discussion.

You can comment on timeline posts (including Studio posts), blog articles, wiki articles, files, list items, and comments. You need "Write comments" permission to create comments and "Delete comments" permission to delete your own comments. If you're an admin of an element, you can also delete other users' comments from that element.

You can initially only see the two latest comments on an element. Selecting Load more will show additional comments. Replies to comments are also hidden at first, but you can select Show X replies to expand them. Additionally, on timeline posts and blog articles, comments that are longer than ~550 characters will be shortened, and you can select Read more to see the full comment.

Comment on a post

  1. Find a post you want to comment on
  2. Select the comment field
  3. Write your comment. You can also tag a user in your comment 
  4. Press Enter to send

Any users subscribed to the content are notified of your comment. You are also automatically subscribed to the content to receive notifications of future updates.

Tag a user in a post

  1. Find a post you want to mention someone on
  2. Select the comment field
  3. Input @ followed by part of the user's name and then select the user from the drop-down. You can also write a comment to accompany your tagging.
  4. Press Enter to send

The user that you mentioned is notified of your mention. However, they won't be automatically subscribed to the content to receive notifications of future updates. They need to manually subscribe to the post to be notified of other updates.

comment and mention.png

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