Setting up a Microsoft Teams integration (Intranet - Public Cloud)

With Haiilo's Microsoft add-on, you can allow your users to receive notifications about new blog articles and/or view your platform's homepages directly in Microsoft Teams. Additionally, users can start chats and calls on Teams directly from Haiilo.

You can view the setup instructions for Microsoft Teams integration in this article. Which instructions you should follow depends on which of the above-mentioned functionalities you'd like to use.

Microsoft authentication and an activated Microsoft add-on are required to use the Microsoft Teams integration functionalities. Please complete the Microsoft authentication setup and add-on activation before proceeding with these tutorials.

Integrated homepages and new blog article notifications

Users can easily access their platform's content through Teams by viewing their platform homepages directly in the app. They can interact with content on the homepage, such as like and comment, but if they select an element that takes them outside the homepage, e.g., a page or a blog article, a new browser tab will open instead.

Also, users receive notifications for new blog articles. They will see the blog's title, teaser text, and image and can easily open Haiilo from Teams to read the full article.

  • To show both Haiilo homepages and receive new blog article notifications on Microsoft Teams, you need to complete the following steps in both Microsoft Entra ID and Microsoft Teams.

    Configure the Microsoft app

    1. Log in to the Microsoft Azure Platform.
    2. Go to Microsoft Entra ID > App registrations > select the app that you created when setting up the Microsoft authentication and add-on for Haiilo
    3. Update the manifest
      1. Go to Manifest
      2. Adjust the attribute for "accessTokenAcceptedVersion" to 2. The default value is null in some versions, and this needs to be 2.
    4. Define API permissions
      1. Go to API permissions > Add permissions
      2. Select Microsoft Graph > Delegated permissions
      3. Check that the following permissions are set up:
        • email
        • offline_access
        • openid
        • profile
        • User.Read
      4. Select Grant admin consent for app_name for the added permissions and ensure the status for all permissions is marked Granted for your_tenant.
    5. Add a scope
      1. Go to Expose an API > Add scope
      2. In the field Application ID URI, add your Haiilo domain and Microsoft application ID in this format:
        • api://your_haiilo-domain/applicationId . Example: api://
      3. Select Save and Continue.
      4. If the Application ID URI is successfully updated, another pop-up will appear. Fill out the fields as follows:
        • Scope name: access_as_user
        • Who can consent: Admins only
        • Admin consent display name: access_as_user
        • Admin consent description: access_as_user
        • State: Enabled
      5. Select Add Scope 
      6. Confirm that the new Application ID URI is added (this URl is always built as api://your_haiilo-domain/applicationId).
    6. Add a client application
      1. In the same section as above (Expose an API), select Add a client application.
      2. Add both these Client IDs one by one:
        • For the mobile and desktop MS Teams app: 1fec8e78-bce4-4aaf-ab1b-5451cc387264
        • For the browser MS Teams app: 5e3ce6c0-2b1f-4285-8d4b-75ee78787346
      3. Select the checkbox to authorize the Client ID for the scope you created above
      4. Select Add Application
      5. Repeat once for the other Client ID. Both are required.

    Create a custom Teams app

    1. Download the application package at the bottom of this article.
    2. Log in to the Developer Portal in Microsoft Teams
    3. Go to Apps > Import app and choose the recently downloaded app. If you get asked if you want to replace or duplicate the app, please select Replace.Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 14.48.41.png
    4. In Basic Information, customize at least the following fields:
      • Short name: Give your app a name that is recognizable to your users
      • Short and Long description: Provide a description of the app and what it does
      • Version: Set to 1.0.0. from the start
      • Developer information: This should reference Haiilo as the developer.
        • In Developer or company name, enter Haiilo GmbH
        • In Website, enter
      • Privacy policy: Enter a URL leading to your Privacy Policy
      • Terms of use: Enter a URL leading to your Terms of Use
      • Application (client) ID: Enter the ID of your Microsoft Entra ID app that you configured earlier. This is required for the authentication on MS Teams' side.
    5. Select Save.
    6. Go to Branding and edit the Color icon, Outline icon, and Accent color to match your platform's branding.
    7. Go to App Features > Personal App
      1. For the Home tab, select the three dots > Edit
      2. Configure it as follows:
        • Content URL: https://your_haiilo_domain/web/teams/teams-tab
        • Website URL: https://your_haiilo_domain
        • Scope: personal
        • Context: personalTab
      3. Select Confirm

      4. Select Save
    8. Go to Single sign-on
      1. Enter the Application URI ID that you configured earlier in Microsoft Entra ID
      2. Select Save
    9. Go to Domains
      1. Select Add a domain
      2. Enter your own domain, e.g.,
      3. Select Add
      4. Confirm that the domain is also listed. If not, add it. This is required for Haiilo Public Cloud customers for the Bot to work.
    10. You can now test the application by selecting Preview in Teams and then Add the app in Teams. If the app works as expected, you can Publish it to your org per your company guidelines.

    In the app, you can navigate to the Home tab to view your Haiilo homepage or use the Chat tab to Sign In to be updated about new blog articles.

MS Teams homepage gif.gif

Only new blog article notifications (no integrated homepages)

Users can receive notifications for new blog articles in a Haiilo app on Microsoft Teams. They will see the blog's title, teaser text, and image and can easily open Haiilo from Teams to read the full article.

  • To receive new blog article notifications on Microsoft Teams, you need to complete the below steps. You can either use the standard Microsoft Teams app for Haiilo (the app is under the name COYO) or create a new custom app to define your own branding and app information. Every user needs to log in to the app to receive notifications.

    1. Decide how you want to add your app
      • If you want to use the standard Microsoft Teams app called COYO
        1. Add the app in Teams from Apps
      • If you want to use a custom Microsoft Teams app
        1. Download the application package at the bottom of this article.
        2. Log in to the Developer Portal in Microsoft Teams
        3. Go to Apps > Import app and choose the recently downloaded app. If you get asked if you want to replace or duplicate the app, please select Replace.Screenshot 2023-12-15 at 14.48.41.png
        4. In Basic Information, customize at least the following fields:
          • Short name: Give your app a name that is recognizable to your users
          • Short and Long description: Provide a description of the app and what it does
          • Version: Set to 1.0.0. from the start
          • Developer information: This should reference Haiilo as the developer.
            • In Developer or company name, enter Haiilo GmbH
            • In Website, enter
          • Privacy policy: Enter a URL leading to your Privacy Policy
          • Terms of use: Enter a URL leading to your Terms of Use
        5. Select Save.
        6. Go to Branding and edit the Color icon, Outline icon, and Accent color to match your platform's branding.
        7. Go to Domains
          1. Confirm that the domain is also listed. If not, add it. This is required for Haiilo Public Cloud customers for the Bot to work.
        8. You can now test the application by selecting Preview in Teams and then Add the app in Teams. 
    2. Enter the command Sign In in the message field
    3. Select Sign In
    4. Enter your company's domain in the provided field, e.g.,
    5. Log in to Haiilo. If you're already logged in on your browser, this will be detected by Teams. After logging in, you'll be redirected back to Teams.

    Now, any time there's a new blog article published in a blog app of a page or community you are subscribed to, you will receive a message in Microsoft Teams. The message will include the post's title, teaser text, and image. Select Read entire article on Haiilo to open your Haiilo platform to read the full article.

blog article notifications in teams.png

Starting a Microsoft Teams chat from Haiilo

Users with "Send messages via Microsoft Teams" permission can open a Teams chat or call a colleague directly from that colleague's Haiilo profile. The Teams app will open where the user can start the conversation.

  • To enable starting a Microsoft Teams chat or call from Haiilo, you need to assign the "Send messages via Microsoft Teams" permission for the users who should be able to use the feature. Users also need to be logged in with their Microsoft credentials and have the "Activate Microsoft 365" permission.

    After users have been given the permissions, they can start a chat or call as follows:

    1. On Haiilo, go to the profile of the user you want to contact
    2. Select Chat on Teams
    3. In the drop-down menu, choose whether to start a chat, audio call, or video call with the person.
    4. The Microsoft Teams app will open a chat with the user or ask you to confirm you want to start a call with them.

Start a Teams chat gif.gif

Downloadable app package

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