Latest blog articles widget

The Latest blog articles widget is one of the most common dynamic widgets in the platform and is primarily used on the homepage. You select one or multiple sources, and the widget displays the most recent articles of these selected blog apps.

Set up the widget

The following options are available when configuring the widget:

  • Blog: Define if you want to display All blog articles from within the platform or only to display articles from Selected blog apps. If you decide on the second option, select the respective apps within the Blog apps section.
  • Subscription status: Select if the widget should display all articles from the defined sources, only blog apps a user is subscribed to, or just the blogs a user is auto-subscribed to.
  • Filtered by hashtag(s): Select if the amount of blog articles to be displayed should be filtered by hashtags. If you filter for one or multiple hashtags, only articles will be displayed that contain at least one of the hashtags.
  • Number of articles: Select the number of articles displayed at once. Once the defined number of articles is reached, new articles replace the oldest articles in the list.
  • Show teaser images: Check the box if you want the widget to display an article's teaser image.
  • Show teaser text: Check the box if you want the widget to display an article's teaser text.
  • Display as: Choose how the widget displays the articles: List, Cards, or Slider. You can see an example of each type in the screenshots below.

latest blog articles list.png

Example: List

latest blog articles cards.png

Example: Cards

latest blog articles slider.png

Example: Slider


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