Release notes, product updates, and the roadmap

For access to release notes, the roadmap, product updates, and tips from the Haiilo team and other customers, join the Client Community! After you've received your access, you can log in from

Release notes and product updates

We publish a summary of the changes for every release. Our newsletter, which comes out before a new release is published, describes new main functions and informs all (Cloud) customers about the go-live date. You can subscribe to the newsletter per module at the bottom of this page.


Haiilo's product roadmap provides insight into our product development. You can view the features we plan to develop, those currently in progress, and those we have already launched. Additionally, you can submit your own ideas for consideration. The roadmap is available inside our Client Community.

We greatly value your ideas and insights, as they help us improve the design of Haiilo for you. We carefully review every submission and assess them based on several criteria. However, please note that not every idea submitted will be incorporated into the product or featured on the roadmap.

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