Timeline on mobile

The mobile app also supports the Timeline feature, which functions similarly to the personal newsfeed of the Timeline widget. To use the Timeline on mobile, you need the "Enable timeline module" permission.

There are two options for the timeline, depending on your Home setup on mobile.

Home Dashboard

If you have the Home dashboard on mobile activated for your platform, the dashboard is the Home in your mobile app and the first screen you see when you open the mobile app. The Timeline is added as the second option in the bottom navigation bar, so you can easily access it to view your newsfeed.

You cannot change the order of the tabs in the navigation, the Home dashboard is always shown first.

timeline on mobile with home dashboard enabled.png

Timeline, News, and mobile homepages

If you don't have the Home dashboard activated, the Timeline, alongside News and any mobile homepages (if activated), make up the Home tab in your mobile app. The Timeline is the default first screen you see when you open the mobile app unless the order of the tabs has been changed by the admins.

Additionally, if you use mobile homepages, you can optimize them for mobile.

timeline on mobile.png

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