Backend Log - Show last 15 entries and track and real time:
cat <COYO_DATA_STORAGE>/backend/logs/coyo-backend.log -f tail -15
Directory size - Show folder sizes in the current directory and sort in descending order:
ls | xargs -I {} du -shx {} | sort -rh
Aliases – Aliases are abbreviations for longer commands that you can create yourself. These are configured in the file .bashrc in the respective user directory.
A Bash alias has the following structure:
alias [alias_name]=\"[command_to_alias]\"
Here are a few aliases from us, simply copy these into the file:
db-connect - a direct connection from the Docker host to the PostgreSQL database:
alias db-connect='docker exec -it $(docker ps | grep db_1 | cut -d\" \" -f1) psql --username=<COYO_DB_USER> <COYO_DB_NAME>'
backend-log - Shows and tracks the last 15 entries from the backend log:
alias backend-log='docker logs -f $(docker ps | grep backend_1 | cut -d\" \" -f1) --tail 15'
dirsize - Lists all folders and their size in the current directory and sorts them in descending order:
alias dirsize='ls | xargs -I {} du -shx {} | sort -rh'
After saving and closing the file, you only need to execute the following commands for your aliases to be executed:
source .bashrc
<>PostgreSQL Database
Output as CSV - Create output of (command) as .CSV in /tmp. (PSQL command must be in the brackets)
copy (command) To '/tmp/psqlexport.csv' With CSV DELIMITER ',' ;
API curls
Postman is a good tool for API requests.
Index Refresh - Starts indexing
curl -X POST https://<COYO_BACKEND_URL>/manage/backend/index/refresh \\
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\
-d '{
\"update\": true,
\"delete\": true
Index Refresh Status - Shows the current status of the Index Refresh
curl -X GET https://<COYO_BACKEND_URL>/manage/index/status \\
Create backup
curl -X PUT https://<COYO_BACKEND_URL>:8083/api/backups \\
Backup Status - Shows the status of the backup process and when the last backup was created
curl -X GET https://<COYO_BACKEND_URL>:8083/api/backups \\