Understanding account statuses

User accounts can have different statuses in Haiilo:

  • Active: These users are full members of your Haiilo platform. They've been activated, accepted the terms of use (if applicable), and can log in and use the platform.
  • Inactive: These users cannot log in and use the platform. They've not yet been activated or have been deactivated.
    • A new user can be inactive if they've been created as inactive either locally by an admin or based on settings in your user directory setup. To allow them to access, you have to activate them.
    • A user that has previously used the platform can be deactivated by an admin when they, e.g., go on temporary leave. A deactivated user's information and activities are still visible to other users on the platform.
  • Hidden: (This status is only in use if hidden users are enabled for the terms of use feature). These are new users who have yet to accept the terms of use. When they log in to the platform, they see the terms of use and have to accept them before they can access the platform. After accepting, the users become active users.
    • Users will only be hidden if they are added after the terms of use is activated. If there are active users on the platform before the activation of the terms of use, they will remain active. Likewise, resetting the terms of use will not change active users to hidden users.
  • Deleted: These users have been deleted from your platform by an admin or based on settings in your user directory setup. A deleted user's information and activities can remain visible to other users on your platform, but they can also be anonymized, whereby their information isn't visible anymore. If a user's been deleted but hasn't been anonymized, they can still be restored.

The User management list is default-filtered to show only active users. You can apply filters to the list to view users with different statuses on your platform. To do this, select the filter icon.

filter user status in users list.png

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