Customizing interface text

In Haiilo, language keys refer to pre-defined system or interface text like "What are you working on?" or "X has shared this post with [...]". You can customize these keys to align with your company's terminology, phrases, and branding, creating a platform that's tailored to your needs.

interface translation example.png

Identify a language key

Every item, button, or element on the platform has a unique language key. Due to the large number of keys, we are unable to list them all here. However, here are some tips to help you identify the language key for a specific element, which will allow you to find it in the settings.

  • You can search by the default translation. As the default translation of a language key is visible in the platform, you can search by this to find the correct language key. This is particularly useful if you want to edit a longer text, e.g., "What are you working on?" as it is less likely that there are many language keys for this input.
  • You can search for a related element. Language key names often contain the element names to which they relate. This can help you narrow down the list of matching language keys. For example:
    • If you want to edit the language keys for the navigation bar items (Pages, Communities, Events, etc.), these contain the keyword navigation.
    • If you want to edit the language keys for an item found in the Administration, these contain the keyword admin. You can further narrow down to, e.g., user management items by adding user_mgmt to the search term, i.e., admin.user_mgmt.
    • If you want to edit the language keys for an item found in an email from Haiilo, these contain the keyword email. You can further narrow down to, e.g., email notification items by adding email_notification to the search term, i.e., email.email_notification.

Export translations

If you need to edit a large number of language keys, you can export the list of available keys as a JSON file and edit them in bulk. This allows you to then re-upload the list to update multiple keys at once.

  1. Go to Administration > Languages > Interface translations
  2. Select the language for which you want to edit language keys. You will need to change keys for each of your platform's languages separately.
  3. Select > Download bundle

The file contains keys and translations for the selected language per key group, for example, mobile app, search, multichannel (stories), etc.

If you're working on a language for which translations aren't automatically provided by Haiilo, the file contains the translations of the default language as references; otherwise, the already customized translations will be listed.

Import translations in bulk

You can upload the edited language keys in bulk to update multiple language keys at once. 

  1. Go to Administration > Languages > Interface translations
  2. Select the language for which you want to edit language keys. You will need to change keys for each of your platform's languages separately.
  3. Select > Upload bundle
  4. Select the JSON file containing the updated language keys. Do not create your own file; only edit and upload the language key JSON file exported from the platform.

Uploading translations will override any existing translations. All language keys will be seen as being edited, even if their translations haven't been edited. Customized language keys have a yellow background.

interface translations in administration.png

Edit a translation in the Administration

  1. Go to Administration > Languages > Interface translations
  2. Select the language for which you want to edit a language key. You will need to change a key for each of your platform's languages separately.
  3. In the list, you can see for each row:
    • Key: The name of the language key. This shows where the system text is located.
    • Translation: The current translation. This shows what text is being used on the platform for the language key.
  4. Search for the language key that you want to edit. You can search with keywords located in the language key name or in the default translation.
  5. When you find the key you want to edit, select the translation in the Translation column for that key
  6. Enter your custom translation
  7. Press Enter on your keyboard to save your custom language key

It can take a while for the new translation to update on the platform. A customized language key has a yellow background color. You can view only your customized language keys by selecting All message keys > Show customized only

The terms for the Haiilo mobile app need to be adapted separately. You can view the mobile app language keys by selecting All message keys > Mobile app. The changed language keys may not be updated in the Haiilo mobile app for up to 24 hours. To shorten this time, users can reinstall the app on iOS devices and clear the cache on Android devices.

Remove a translation in the Administration

If you want to, you can revert back to the default translation.

  1. Go to Administration > Languages > Interface translations
  2. Select the language for which you want to edit a language key.
  3. Search for the language key you want to edit. You can search using keywords in the language key name or in the default translation. Alternatively, you can view only your customized language keys by selecting All message keys > Show customized only
  4. When you find the key you want to edit, select the translation in the Translation column for that key
  5. Remove your custom translation
  6. Press Enter on your keyboard to save

Alternatively, if you want to start fresh with the default translations and remove your custom ones, you can select > Reset all changes.

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