Sharing content internally

You can share various types of content, such as timeline posts, blog articles, events, etc., with other users, pages, or communities in Haiilo. This is useful if you want to draw attention to something important. You need the "Share content on timeline" permission to share content.

Basics of sharing

When you share content, it will be visible on the timeline. If users have subscribed to the element to which you shared the content, they will be able to see it. For example, if you share a post with a page, it will be displayed on the page's timeline app and visible to all subscribers in their newsfeed (timeline widget).

When you share a wiki or blog article and someone comments or likes it, those reactions will be displayed directly under the original post rather than under your share. This ensures that the reactions are permanently linked to the original post and can be accessed and viewed by others at any time in the future.

Share private content

When you share protected or private content, it becomes public. If you share content from a private element to a public area, the shared post will display a teaser of the original post to all subscribers of the element you shared it with. The optional message that can be added with a share is visible in all areas.

Depending on which app within the protected community or page the post is shared from, there are minimal differences in the post visibility. 

  • Timeline post: The entire post and comments become publicly visible.
  • Blog post: The teaser of the blog post with title, teaser text, image, and comments is publicly visible. However, the blog post itself isn't visible. The Read more function is disabled.
    • If the status of a blog post is reset from Published to Draft, all shares are also removed from the timeline.

  • Wiki article: The title of the wiki article becomes publicly visible. However, the wiki article itself isn't visible. The Read more function is disabled.
  • Public event: The event name, description, and all other content are visible to the public. All users can click on the event.
  • Private event: All information except the event picture will be visible. The event cannot be clicked on.
  • Non-shareable app posts: Files, documents, forms, forum posts, lists, and tasks.

Users who are not members of a protected community or private page or invited as participants in private events will not have access to the original post. If the users without access rights select the teaser, they will see a message saying they aren't allowed to view the post.

Share content

You can share content in the browser and the mobile app.

  1. Find the content that you want to share.
  2. Under the post, select Share
  3. Choose users, pages, or communities with which you want to share the post. You can select multiple options.
  4. Add a message to appear above the original post. The message is fixed and cannot be edited later.
  5. Under Extended options (not available when sharing in the mobile app):
    • Share as: Choose to share in your name or the name of a page or a community (provided you have permission).
    • Sticky period: Choose if you want to mark a post as sticky when you share the content to a community, page, or event. You cannot use the sticky feature if you share the post to a user's personal timeline.
  6. Select Share to complete the share

share content internally.png

Delete shared content

You can delete an individual share if you created the share or manage the page or community it was shared on. You need "Delete timeline items" permission to delete shares. Shares are also deleted if the original content that was shared is deleted.

  1. Select the number of shares under a shared post
  2. Select > Delete

Difference in deleting a timeline post and all shares with only individual shares.png

Never delete a shared post the same way you would delete a regular timeline post! Shared posts are linked to the original element that was shared, so if you delete a shared post like a regular timeline post, you are deleting the original post rather than the individual share. To delete an individual share, select X shares > > Delete instead.

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