RSS feed widget

The RSS feed widget enables you to display third-party website content within your platform. The imported content needs to have a valid RSS format and gets updated every 15 minutes. A valid RSS URL ends with .rss2, .xml, or .rdf (e.g.,

If you use a feed that requires authorization, you need to enter, validate, and save the credentials once. The feed is then displayed. If another user opens the settings, they can't see the password.

Set up the widget

The following options are available when configuring the widget:

  • RSS URL: Enter the URL of the RSS feed to be displayed. After pasting the URL, you can check its validity.
  • Max number of entries to show: Select how many feed entries are displayed at once.
  • Display article image: Select if you want to display an entry's image, if provided.

RSS feed en.png

In case you are using Haiilo on-premises, for the RSS widget to work, your server on which Haiilo is installed must have an Internet connection. If the RSS feed link includes https://, you must also open port 443.

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