Managing community members new

You can manage community members in the Members list inside a community. From here, you can search for existing members, remove members, promote members to admins, and invite new members or accept requests to join protected communities. 

You can filter the Members list to display only admin users or those with pending invites. Selecting a user in the list will open their user profile. Additionally, you can export your full members list, including invited users, to CSV.

Only community admins can manage members. Non-admins can view the member list but cannot perform administrative actions.

Invite users to join

As a community admin, you can invite both members and admins to your community. Additionally, depending on your permissions, you may also be able to invite external users. Learn more in these articles:

Approve or decline requests to join

Users can request to join protected communities, and as a community admin, you can approve or decline their requests. An admin receives a notification when users request to join their community.

  1. Go to the Communities overview > select your community.
  2. In Options, open the Members list.
  3. Membership requests appear at the top of the list. You can Approve or Decline each request by selecting the corresponding button.
    • If there are multiple pending requests, you can approve them all at once by selecting Approve all.

approve or decline community requests.png

Promote members to admins

As a community admin, you can promote existing members to admins of your community. To invite new admins, see Invite users to join.

  1. Go to the Communities overview > select your community.
  2. In Options, open the Members list.
  3. Select    > Make admin.

Remove members

As a community admin, you can remove members from your community.

  1. Go to the Communities overview > select your community.
  2. In Options, open the Members list.
  3. Select    > Remove member.

Remember that in public communities, users can always rejoin. In private communities, users cannot rejoin unless they receive another invitation, while in protected communities, users can request access again.

make community member an admin or remove member.png

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