Using AVA Summary

AVA's timeline summary feature allows you to save time by providing a concise overview of unread posts. It helps you quickly grasp the main points without having to read through a long list of content. You need to have 5 or more unread posts on your timeline to summarize.

AVA summarizes timeline posts (including kudos posts), multichannel posts, blog articles, wiki articles, and upcoming events. Summaries are organized as follows: News & Updates for blog and wiki articles, Individual Posts for timeline posts, and Event Updates for upcoming events.

If you would like AVA Summary to be added to your platform so you can enable it, please contact your Haiilo Account Manager.

Use AVA Summary

  1. Select Summarize updates
  2. Wait while AVA summarizes your unread content. Your summary is organized in themes and is provided in your preferred language as determined in your Account settings.
  3. Read your post summary. For multichannel posts and blog and wiki articles, you can select More to read the full article.
  4. Select Dismiss to close the summary

You can then select "Load X new updates" at the top of the timeline to load the summarized posts. If you want to know more about a certain topic that was included in the summary, find the appropriate post on the timeline.

using AVA Summary.png

It's important to note that answers generated by AI may not always be accurate. AVA Summary generates a summary based on the content of the timeline posts; however, it might not always interpret each post correctly.

Information on content types

Currently, AVA Summary summarizes content from:

  • Multichannel posts: Title and full content
  • Blog articles: Author, title, teaser text
  • Wiki articles: Author, title, content (first 250 characters)
  • Events: Host, start date, title
  • Timeline posts: Author, created date, message
  • Kudos posts: Author, created date, message (meaning: kudos type, receiving user names and kudos messages)

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