Configuring social reactions

You can allow your users to use a range of reactions to respond to content. Reactions are more expressive than a simple Like and give users an option to better communicate their thoughts on the content. You need "Manage features" permission to configure social reactions.

Available reactions

The below reactions are available to choose from on the platform. The Like reaction is fixed and cannot be disabled.

Reaction names are customizable. However, reaction icons and colors are predefined and cannot be changed. The Like icon uses a lightened version of your theme's link color.

like reaction.png

Like (fixed)

laughing reaction.png


celebrate reaction.png

Applause (default)

smile reaction.png


love reaction.png

Heart (default)

hmm reaction.png

Hmm... (default)

interesting reaction.png

Insightful (default)

dislike reaction.png


Define reactions

  1. Go to Administration > Features > Miscellaneous > Social reactions
  2. Certain reactions are enabled by default. To change reactions, unselect a reaction to be able to select a new one. You can use up to four other emotive reactions alongside the Like reaction.
  3. Optionally, rearrange the selected reactions to define their order in the reaction pop-up. A preview of how your reactions will be displayed in the reaction pop-up is shown on the right.
  4. Select Save changes

Your reactions are saved and are now available to use on the platform. Learn more in Liking and reacting.

If you prefer to only use the Like reaction, you can unselect all other reaction options.

configure social reaction settings.png

Change the name of reactions

When reacting to content, a reaction's name is displayed as a tooltip when hovering over the reaction. You can customize reaction names by modifying the interface translations.

  1. Go to Administration > Languages > Interface translations
  2. Select a language for which you want to change the translations
  3. Search for a language key to edit. The language keys for each reaction are:
  4. Find the reaction name you want to edit, e.g., Applause, and select the translation in the Translation column for that key
  5. Enter your custom translation, e.g., Celebrate
  6. Press Enter on your keyboard to save your custom language key

You can repeat the process for any language in which you want to define custom names for your reactions.

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