Viewing pop-ups of users, pages, communities, or events

When you hover over the avatar or name of a user, page, community, or event, you'll see a small pop-up providing a quick look at important information about the element you are hovering over. Currently, the information shown in the pop-up is hardcoded and cannot be customized.

Depending on the type of element, you can also take action, like follow or join, or quickly open the element in a new tab. When you move your cursor away, the pop-up automatically disappears.

Elements that can be private, such as pages, communities, and events only show detailed information to subscribers and members. Other users will only see the name of the element and that it is private, without any further information.

User pop-up

user pop-up.png

The pop-up shows:

  • User's name
  • Profile image
  • Cover image
  • Job title
  • Department
  • Button: Open. Opens the user's profile in a new tab
  • Button, depending on your following status:
    • Follow: You don't currently follow the user. Select to follow them.
    • Following: You currently follow the user. You can't unfollow the user from the pop-up.

When viewing your own profile, only the Open button shows.

Page pop-up

page pop-up.png

The pop-up shows:

  • Page's name
  • Avatar image
  • Cover image
  • Type: Public / Private / Automatically subscribed
  • Number of subscribers
  • Button: Open. Opens the page in a new tab.
  • Button, depending on your subscription status:
    • Subscribe: You aren't subscribed to the page. Select to subscribe to the page.
    • Subscribed: You are subscribed to the page. You can't unsubscribe from the pop-up.

When viewing an Automatically subscribed page, only the Open button shows.

Community pop-up

community pop-up.png

The pop-up shows:

  • Community's name
  • Avatar image
  • Type: Public / Private / Protected
  • Number of members
  • Button: Open. Opens the community in a new tab.
  • Button, depending on your membership status:
    • Join: You aren't a member of the public community. Select to join the community.
    • Request access: You aren't a member of the protected community. Select to request to join the community.
    • Accept: You've been invited to join a community. Select to join the community.
    • Member: You are a member of the community. You can't leave from the pop-up.

Event pop-up

event pop-up.png

The pop-up shows:

  • Event's name
  • Cover image
  • Type: Public / Private
  • Date and time of event
  • Button: Open. Opens the event in a new tab.

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