Unpublishing Studio posts

You can unpublish Multichannel posts that you have created, or if you have moderator access. When you unpublish a post, it will be removed from the platform, but all its analytics will still be retained. You need "Access Studio", "Create, edit and delete posts", and "Publish posts" permissions to unpublish posts.

An unpublished post cannot be edited or republished, but you can duplicate it to create a new post with the same content.

Unpublish a post

  1. Find and open the post you want to unpublish from Dashboard > My published posts > All posts or by searching in the Calendar and selecting it in the mini-preview
    • Alternatively, you can also access the post from the timeline by selecting > Open in Studio
  2. Select Unpublish in the editor toolbar
  3. Select Unpublish post in the pop-up that appears to confirm

Once a post is unpublished, it is removed from all platform areas where it was located, including the timeline, digital signage, and featured posts widget, and from Slack or MS Teams if the channels were selected. The post can also no longer be found in the search.

The post will remain in the email channel, as emails that are sent cannot be edited.

Find unpublished posts

Users with access to the Studio can find their unpublished posts in Dashboard > My published posts > Unpublished posts. Furthermore, all unpublished posts can be found in the Calendar by filtering by Include unpublished posts.

Unpublished posts in the Studio display an Unpublished label and provide information on by whom and when it was unpublished.

unpublish studio post.png

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