Mobile App Rollout

Ready to revolutionize your workplace communication? Dive into our guide for a fun and effective intranet app rollout. From QR code cupcakes to team challenges, we've got the scoop on engaging your team and keeping the momentum going. This article gives you an overview of how to roll the app out and how to get your employees on board.

Aim of the rollout

Before you start planning your rollout, consider its objectives:

  • Effective adoption and minimal disruption
  • Training, support, or collecting feedback
  • Increasing user engagement

Set up 

Generally speaking, building excitement is important. It's worth getting employees involved before the app rollout and making them curious about the app. The following points can help:

  • Communicate the benefits that the mobile version of the intranet brings: What will be easier? What is faster than before?
  • Opportunity to test: Let your employees try out the mobile app in advance, e.g. using a company tablet.
  • Appoint "app influencers" who are granted early access and serve as ambassadors for your app. Ideally, this should be an as diverse group of employees as possible who are accepted among their colleagues and well-connected within the company. Introduce them to the app before the rollout and show them the benefits. If they become convinced users, your employees will follow.
  • One crucial advice: Make it as easy as possible for your employees to join. In your company-wide app rollout campaign, not only communicate the benefits of the app but also create additional incentives through interactive activities that you integrate into your employees' working environment. 


The following examples have already worked well for other customers: 


  • Create posters and flyers with QR codes that link to the app and place them in the offices or factories or distribute them around the company.
  • Important: State the benefits of the app directly on the printing material. To give the whole thing a personal touch, you could also print the QR code on a T-shirt. Your project owners team can use it to walk through the corridors and production halls and personally address employees about the mobile app.


  • Offer short videos / training sessions to bring your employees up to speed. Here you can give valuable tips on the benefits of using the mobile app.

Incentivization ideas

  • Set up a cupcake stand. Your employees receive a cupcake if they show that they have logged into the mobile app.
  • Donate money to a good cause for every app download.
  • Hand out free merchandise for every app download.
  • Wheel of Fortune: After downloading the app, your employees can spin and win small gifts.

Especially for employees who do not have a desktop workstation, you can additionally promote acceptance of the app by providing gamification elements such as a "team competition" in the initial phase:

  • Teams collect points over a period of time by using the app, and the winning team receives a prize. To win a voucher for a team lunch, for example, small challenges have to be completed within the app every day.
  • Bring your own device (BYOD): If you as a company can and want to allow the use of your intranet on private devices, you must also dispel any concerns your employees may have in advance. Actively inform them about data security, privacy, and tracking so that nothing stands in the way of voluntary use. 

Further tips & tricks

  • Utilize the Home Dashboard to keep your employees updated and connected with your platform's resources by providing easy access to relevant content, upcoming events and links in the launchpad. 
  • Ask for feedback. Your managers and "app influencers" are a good and important channel to provide you with feedback or obtain additional information. Of course, you can also create a survey via your intranet. The feedback can show what employees like about the app, which features are the most useful and which challenges require further training or can be better solved outside the app. 
  • To keep employees in the app, it is important that they continue to experience a lively and relevant mobile platform with dynamic content and interaction. Implement strategies like daily news updates and gamified challenges to keep employees motivated and invested in using the app regularly.

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