Recommended blog articles widget

The Recommended blog articles widget is a personal widget that displays the most recent articles based on your hashtag subscriptions. You can update your hashtags directly under the widget to add new topics you're interested in and remove old ones. To use the widget, you need "Use hashtags" permission.

If you haven't subscribed to any hashtags, the widget will display a message prompting you to do so. Without subscribing to hashtags, the widget won't have any articles to show.

Set up the widget

The following options are available when configuring the widget:

  • Number of articles: Select how many articles are displayed at once. Once the defined number of articles is reached, new articles replace the oldest articles in the list.
  • Show teaser images: Check the box if you want the widget to display an article's teaser image.
  • Show teaser text: Check the box if you want the widget to display an article's teaser text.
  • Display as: Choose how the widget displays the articles: List, Cards, or Slider.

After setting up the widget, every user can access Manage hashtags to edit their personal hashtag subscriptions, determining the articles they see in the widget.

recommended blog article options.png

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