Events on mobile

You can view and reply to present and future events directly in the Haiilo mobile app. Currently, events cannot be edited on the mobile app. To access events, you need the "Access events" permission. 

Find an event in the app

  1. Select in the bottom navigation bar
  2. Select Events
  3. In the events list, you can see three tabs:
    • All: Shows all present and future events available to you
    • Invited: Shows events you have been invited to
    • Attending: Shows events you have accepted
  4. Select an event to open it

You can also access an event shared as a timeline post, search for an event in the global search, or open an event from a deep link outside the app.

View an event in the app

You can check all the relevant details for an event in the mobile app and respond to an event invitation. Additionally, you can also access the event's timeline to post on it.

The Location field in an event supports URLs and deep links to other apps installed on your mobile device, such as Zoom or Teams, so you can easily join an online event from the mobile app.

While you can see the number of people who have confirmed their attendance, the complete list of participants is not visible in the mobile app.

events on mobile.png

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