Multichannel Comms app

The Multichannel Comms app enables you to showcase posts that are specifically created in the Studio and targeted to the page where you use the app. The Multichannel Comms app can only be used on pages.

Multichannel posts will only appear inside the Multichannel app and not directly in the Timeline app of a page.

Set up the app

Once you've added a Multichannel Comms app to your page, you can configure it. Also, read Apps overview for general information on apps.

  • Name: Give your app a meaningful name that best reflects its topic and use case.
  • Activate this app: Activate it immediately or leave it in the deactivated mode. A deactivated app is only visible to admins of a page or community. The app is in draft mode.
  • URL: By default, the URL is generated from the app's name, but you can change it to something else. Any old links leading to the app won't work anymore after you change it.

multichannel comms app.png

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