To develop a functional roles and rights concept for your Surveys module, you need to define which users should receive the "Admin" and "Manager" roles. In addition to these two roles, anyone who can receive and answer a survey requires "Access Surveys" permission.
Admin role
An admin has full rights in the survey module. This person can view all group-specific and company-wide results, provide all available segments and groups of people with surveys, and manage the module. This role should only be held by very selected people. To make someone a Surveys Admin, assign them "Surveys Admin Access" permission.
Manager role
A manager can view and evaluate campaign results just like an admin. The difference is that, unlike an admin, the view granted is limited to the manager's own area or team. In addition, it can be defined individually for each manager whether they can create and send campaigns of their own (to their respective team).
You can define managers that can both view the results of their team and create and send their own campaigns from Surveys > Organization > Users by selecting a manager in the list.
For a manager to view the results of the team assigned to them, the supervisor relationship needs to be correctly maintained in the synchronized user directory. If the supervisor relationship is not maintained, the role "Manager" does not apply, and the corresponding person cannot use the survey module. Also, only results from groups of five or more people can be viewed. This guarantees the anonymity of the answers given.