Using the Local user filter for a Microsoft Graph directory

The local user filter can be used to overcome certain limitations of the MS Graph API. Currently, the MS Graph API does not support filtering users by their group memberships if those filter groups are not part of the synchronized groups. Although this requirement can be easily fulfilled with an LDAP expression, it is not possible to do so with an MS Graph query.


The local user filter acts like the normal user filter and contains an OData filter expression. The difference is that it is not part of the query to the MS Graph API but will be executed on the Haiilo backend on the response that was received. This effectively creates a two-stage user filter.

The goal is to minimize the MS Graph response size by filtering as much as you can in the 1st stage, 'user filter,' and then use expressions in the 2nd stage, 'local user filter,' that MS Graph does not support. The syntax and grammar of OData filter expressions are the same as the regular MS Graph user filter.

All used property names in the local user filter expression need to be selected in the query so that they appear in the MS Graph response. This is done automatically, as is the distinction between selectable and expandable properties.

The MS Graph API has limitations that can be reached quickly. For example, only one expandable property is allowed in a query. If you filter for the 'memberOf' in the local user filter and use 'extensions' in the profile field mapping or sync the manager field, then the limit has already been exceeded.

Supported OData expressions

  • Equality operators
    • Equals (eq)
    • Not equals (ne)
    • Logical negation (not)
    • In (in)
  • Relational operator
    • Less than (th)
    • Greater than (gt)
    • Less than or equal to (le)
    • Greater than or equal to (ge)
  • Lambda operators
    • Any (any)
    • All (all)
    • Conditional operators
    • And (and)
    • Or (or)
  • Functions
    • Starts with (startsWith)
    • Ends with (endsWith)
    • Contains (contains)
  • Parentheses for grouping of operators
  • Data types:
    • null 
    • strings
    • integers
    • booleans
    • GUID

You can compare these with the official Microsoft documentation for filters.

Simplifying OData expressions

The following rules help to simplify expressions that make use of the 'any', 'all', and 'in' operators using boolean algebra:

x/any(p:expr1) or x/any(p:expr2) = x/any(p:expr1 or expr2)
x/any(p:expr1) and x/any(p:expr2) : can not be simplified
x/all(p:expr1) and x/all(p:expr2) = x/all(p:expr1 and expr2)
x/all(p:expr1) or x/all(p:expr2) : can not be simplified
(x eq a) or (x eq b) = x in (a, b)


You have a group named 'A' and another named 'B', and you want to synchronize users who are members of both groups. However, you don't want to synchronize all users of 'A' and 'B' at the same time. A user filter expression that satisfies those requirements would be:

memberOf/any(m:m/displayName eq 'A') and memberOf/any(m:m/displayName eq 'B')

You want to select only those users whose manager's office location is 'London'. You can achieve this with a local filter expression:

manager/city eq 'London'


MS Graph

  • No more than 2 expandable properties allowed.

Local OData syntax and grammar

  • Expandable collections: only 'memberOf' is currently allowed
  • The property names are case-sensitive. Use 'memberOf' and not 'memberof'
  • Comparing collections and complex objects is not supported
  • Unsupported grammar:
    • Data types: date, time, duration, decimal, geography, geometry
    • OData 4 functions: length, indexof, substring, tolower, toupper, trim, concat
    • 'has' operator
    • Namespaces
    • Compound keys
    • Bound functions
    • Qualified entities
    • Enum types

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