
You can view your active sessions and receive notifications for new sessions in Haiilo.

View active sessions

You can find a list of all active sessions in your account settings. To end an ongoing session, select Logout for that session. If you end the session labeled Current session, you will be redirected to the login screen to log back in.

active sessions.png

Understand session emails

When you log in for the first time on an unrecognized device and session, Haiilo will automatically send you an email about the login. The email is triggered every time a user creates a new session with their account on a new device or in a new browser. This is because, after the first login, the browser/device combination is marked as known by storing a signed cookie in the browser. After that, the email for this browser/device combination is no longer sent.

This security measure works in connection with browser data (cookies). If browser data is cleared, the signed cookie is also deleted, the login is recognized as a new session and a new email will be sent.

You receive session emails depending on how your account was created:

  • Users who are created locally will always get this email based on the triggers mentioned above
  • Users who are logging in to Haiilo via an external authentication provider can be excluded from the email if needed. The configuration settings for each authentication provider include the ability to disable session emails.

Configure the session email's text

The text in the session email can be customized via the interface translations in your platform. By default, the name after "Sent via" is based on your platform's Network name as defined in the Administration and redirects to your platform URL. The link after "Powered by" leads to the Haiilo website.

Furthermore, the design of the email depends on your theme settings.

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