Multichannel Analytics

You have the ability to see how your internal Multichannel posts are performing and resonating with your audience using analytics. You can access analytics for individual posts as well as overall analytics.

You need "Access Studio" permissions to view the analytics. The Multichannel analytics data is updated at least every few hours.

View individual post analytics

You can see analytics for a specific post by opening a post's mini preview in the Calendar tab. The mini preview displays data on an individual post's reach and read confirmation. To view more detailed analytics for the post, select a box in the mini preview to open the post detail dashboard.

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The metrics that Haiilo measures and shows for the selected post in the individual post analytics are detailed below.

    • The Reach metric is defined as the number of users from the post's selected audience who saw it. One view per user is counted; if a user sees the post 5 times, it is counted as 1 reach. 
    • Reach is counted when a user scrolls past a post on the Timeline. Also, viewing the post on Slack or MS Teams or opening the email is counted as a reach. Currently, reach and visit for Slack, MS Teams, and email are measured the same way.
    • If the post's audience contained 61 users, the maximum reach for the post would be 61, meaning every targeted user saw the post at least once.
    • The Visits metric is defined as the sum of all views of the full post. Multiple views per user are counted; if a user opens the post 5 times, it is counted as 5 visits.
    • Visits are counted when a user clicks to open the post in full web view from the Timeline. Also, viewing the post on Slack or MS Teams or opening the email is counted as a visit. Currently, reach and visit for Slack, MS Teams, and email are measured the same way.

    • The Visitors metric is defined as the number of users from the post's selected audience who opened the full post. One view per user is counted.
    • If the post's audience contained 61 users, the visitors for the post could, at maximum, be 61, meaning every targeted user opened the full post at least once.
    • The Engaged users metric is defined as the number of users from the post's selected audience who engaged with it. Engagement is counted as commenting on or reacting to a post on the Timeline or reacting to a post on Slack or MS Teams. One interaction per user is counted.
    • If the post's audience contained 61 users, the engaged users metric for the post could, at maximum, be 61, meaning every targeted user engaged with the post at least once.
    • The Read confirmation metric is defined as the number of users from the post's selected audience who confirmed reading it. This tile is only shown if read confirmation has been enabled for the post.
    • If the post's audience contained 61 users, the read confirmation metric for the post could, at maximum, be 61, meaning every targeted user confirmed reading the post.
    • The Comments metric is defined as the sum of all comments on the post on the Timeline. Comments-on-comments are counted.
    • The Reactions metric is defined as the sum of all reactions (likes, hearts, etc.) on the post on the Timeline. Reactions to comments are not counted.
    • The Slack reactions metric is defined as the name of the given reaction and the sum of times it was given on the post on Slack. The three most given reactions are shown, followed by an Others row to include any other reactions and a Total row. The tile is only shown if Slack has been selected as a communication channel for the post.
    • The MS Teams Reactions metric is defined as the name of the given reaction and the sum of times it was given on the post on MS Teams. The three most given reactions are shown, followed by an Others row to include any other reactions and a Total row. The tile is only shown if MS Teams has been selected as a communication channel for the post.

A post's reach, visits, and visitors can exceed 100%. This can happen when new user subscriptions to a page or target audience are added after the post is published or if a user in moderator mode who was not part of the initial target audience views a post. In these cases, the reach, visits, and visitors data increase, resulting in a percentage that exceeds 100%.

View overall analytics

You can see the overall analytics for your internal posts from Studio > Analytics. By default, the timeframe is set to Last 7 days and the content type to Internal posts (Multichannel posts).

You can use a predetermined timeframe or select a week, month, or year. The timeframe counts from the previous day backward and doesn't consider the current day.

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The metrics that Haiilo measures and shows in the overall analytics are detailed below.

    • The Published posts metric is defined as the number of Multichannel posts published in the Studio in the selected period
    • The Targeted users metric is defined as the total number of users who were targeted with at least one post in the selected period
    • If you publish 3 posts in the period, each with the same audience of 61 users, the targeted users metric would be 3*61 = 183.
    • The Reach metric is defined as the number of users who saw at least one post in the selected period. This also counts posts published outside the period that were seen within the period. One view per user is counted.
    • Reach is counted when a user scrolls past a post on the Timeline, views the post on Slack or MS Teams, or opens the email.
    • Currently, reach and visit for Slack, MS Teams, and email are measured the same way. 
    • The Engaged users metric is defined as the number of users who engaged with at least one post in the period. Engagement is counted as commenting on or reacting to a post on the Timeline or reacting to a post on Slack or MS Teams. One interaction per user is calculated.
    • The Visits metric is defined as the sum of all views of full posts in the selected period. Multiple views per user are counted.
    • Visits are counted when a user clicks to open the post in full web view from the Timeline, views the post on Slack or MS Teams, or opens the email.
    • Currently, reach and visit for Slack, MS Teams, and email are measured the same way.
    • The Comments metric is defined as the sum of all comments on the post on the Timeline. This includes posts published outside the period which were commented on within the period. Multiple comments by the same user on the same post are counted. Comments-on-comments are counted.
    • The Reactions metric is defined as the sum of all reactions (likes, hearts, etc.) on the post on the Timeline. This includes posts published outside the period which were reacted to within the period. Reactions to comments are not counted.
    • The Other Reactions metric is defined as the sum of all reactions on posts on Slack or MS Teams in the selected period. Multiple reactions by the same user on the same post are counted.

The trend percentage under each metric compares to the same period directly before the selected period. This means if you have chosen the period Last 7 days, the trend compares to the 7 days before the last 7 days.

Under the tiles, you can see a list of the posts published during the selected period and analytics for them. Select any row to open the individual post analytics for a post.

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